* Head to heels the girls should be around 13.5 inches long and weigh around 1.5 lbs each (the size of a rutabaga)
* The girls are starting to pack on some baby fat and growing more and more hair
This past week has had its ups and downs. Late Sunday night I felt that my usual contractions/uterine irritability grew stronger and closer together so we made a trip out to labor and delivery. They determined that I was having a lot of irritability but no more than 1-3 actual contractions an hour so were going to send me home without checking anything else. After some coaxing from a frustrated momma to be, they agreed to contact my specialist, who, as I suspected she would, wanted me to stay overnight for monitoring and do the FFN test and cervical check in the morning. The room I got wasn't nearly as nice as during my last stay and I was basically sleeping on what felt like a rock hard gurney. Morning finally came and thankfully my FFN test was negative, meaning there is at least a 90% chance that I will NOT go into labor within one to two weeks following the test. They do not have anyone in the hospital competent enough to do a cautious transvaginal ultrasound to check my cervix, so the nurse checked manually and it was still closed. The specialist wanted me to head home until my scheduled appointment Wednesday. I was SO happy to see my bed when I got home!
Wednesday morning we went in and I was not happy at all to discover that my cervix had shortened even faster than the previous few weeks and was down to 1.9 cm long (from 2.9 cm last week). My specialist was also out sick for the first time in 2 years so I had to see their new elderly partner who we had never met before and does not seem to be as up on things as my specialist. He said just to keep doing what I'm doing and they will see me back next Wednesday. Of course I am concerned about how much more length I may lose before then, but am praying for the best. I fully anticipate they may put me on hospital bedrest for the remainder of the pregnancy at that point if it has progressed any further over this next week. As much as that will suck, I know I will feel so much better having things monitored 24/7 with immediate interventions ready if necessary.
On a lighter note, my husband, with the help of his parents have pretty much finished putting together my vision for the nursery. Praying that we will end up being able to continue living here for many months to come so that the girls can enjoy it! Here are some pics:

Pictures of the girls from Wednesday (24 week, 6 days)!
Baby A Face Shot, HR 141

Baby B Usual Profile Shot, HR 133

Baby C Usual Upside Down Backwards Shot, HR 131

Belly Pics
A couple from Wednesday Before my Appointment-Almost out of maternity clothes that still fit!

And a couple from today officially at 25 weeks!

Total Weight Gain: 41 lbs, uterus measuring 36 weeks!
We really really appreciate continued prayers for the girls to remain in place for many weeks to come and to arrive healthy and strong as well as for our housing and my job security as we get further along. Thank you all so much!!
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You look beautiful and I still am praying that the girls stay put. The nursery looks so sweet. Sure hope the girls get to spend some time in it.
ReplyDeleteBobbi Corun
Hi Paula,
ReplyDeleteThe nursery looks AMAZING!!! I don't think I knew your girls names before, they are gorgeous!
I am sending so many prayers for you and your little girls.
You look great!
~Ella (Due in April Cyster)
Paula, I LOVE their room!! Super cute and not all baby-baby looking. How awesome that you have a bedroom big enough for three cribs... definitely would not fly in Lo's room. You look incredible, as always, and so glad to have an update. Happy that the girls are staying put and gaining weight well. You've close to doubled my pregnancy weight gain, and you can tell it's all the babies. Love you 4 girls so much!! xx