While my husband's training has been coming along quite nicely since the 'Hot Pocket' incident, Bosley, our youngest of two boxers is proving himself to be significantly lacking in obedience. Harper, our 5 year old boxer is well behaved, gentle, laid back, and incredibly sensitive while preferring his own space. Bosley, our 20 month old is off the walls, goofy, personality plus, incredibly affectionate, prefers to be in YOUR own space, and is very very mischievous. We had just started leaving them both to roam the house while we were gone for full days a couple months ago and would come home to nothing out of place- I could almost see the shining halos around their precious little heads. But for some reason over the past few weeks, Bosley has traded his halo for horns and reverted to finding any little thing he can get into to tear up all over the living room floor while we are away. So sadly last week, it was back into the crate with him.
Yesterday, I requested that my husband pick up some apples and oranges on his way home from work (which he did without complaint ;) ) Lately I have found that when I am unable to find any food appetizing, I can always eat fruit for some reason, especially apple slices. [On a sidenote: I do not recommend ever putting apples and jalapenos in the same refrigerator drawer. Even in separate bags, all of my apples somehow ended up tasting like jalapenos which I found incredibly unnerving and unappetizing!!].
A couple days ago I made the mistake of biting off a couple slivers of apple and sharing them with Bosley who eagerly gobbled them up. When my husband arrived home yesterday with the fruit, I was just dozing off for a nap snuggled up with Bosley and Brent had to head right back out for a sports banquet. He dropped the bags of fruit onto the kitchen floor, gave me a quick kiss, and left. When I awoke from my nap, I went in search of my apples and sadly discovered them BEFORE reaching the kitchen. They had been casualties of Bosley. He had gone into the grocery bags and drug out the sack of apples and the sack of oranges, carried them separately into the living room, ripped open the apple sack and rudely left punctures all over each and every one of my apples. It appeared that he couldn't quite figure out how to get a chunk out of one without my assistance, though-serves him right! The oranges were discarded as the tough skin protected them from his greedy muzzle. Bosley, of course, managed to look incredibly bashful and adorable- as usual- and got off much easier than Brent did last week-as usual. Luckily, I still have the oranges and Brent had also bought some fresh pineapples and strawberries that DID make it into the refrigerator so I was still able to satisfy my fruit craving.
Here is a picture of Bosley caught in another mischievous act. This one he felt very proud of, however:
How could you ever be mad at this face??
The Boys together:
As for me, this week has been going a little better than last week. Yesterday I was not nauseous even without the Zofran but it was a struggle to find anything I could tolerate eating. Today I had to take one Zofran this morning after some nausea following breakfast, but have been doing well since. I continue to be exhausted when I get home from work and am trying to get a little nap time in each day. I added 'Make Way for Multiples' to my Tivo line up and watch every episode that has 3 or more babies. Watching both excites me and freaks me out. I do get a grim sense of satisfaction watching the poor mamas with 4+ babies because I can say to myself '3 will be WAY easier than that, at least!' The quad mama of newborns on todays episode averaged 35 diapers a day, that's over 1,000 diapers a month! YIKES! (Feel free to start sending donations now, jk :) )
I cannot WAIT for Thursday because we will get to see our little beans (or should I say grapes?) again. We will be 9 weeks and these little ones may be the size of grapes this week! It wasn't too long ago they were just little poppy seeds! They have flown through the seed and bean categories and will be nothing but fruit from here on out and this mama couldn't be prouder! I can't believe they have all of their fingers and toes and limbs already. There are 30 FINGERS, 30 TOES, 6 ARMS, and 6 LEGS in my belly. Hard to believe! We greatly appreciate the continued prayers! I will update Thursday after the appointment.